Elite Dog Training

Welcome To
Elite Dog Training!

Elite Dog Training's

To unleash your dog's potential through training programs that result in a happy, confident and obedient dog. We work closely with you whether it's training a new puppy, improving your dog's obedience and reliability, or fixing problems. Start building a rewarding relationship with your dog through effective training that lasts a lifetime.

Latest News:

Celebrating 19 Years!

I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of the amazing clients, friends and team members. More coming soon!

Kristen and Nova are a HIT at HDOC!
Staff and friends would like to congratulate Kirsten and Nova on winning High in Trial at the HDOC Show at the Ancaster Fairgrounds!
Apart from their great run they also earned 2 legs towards their Novice title in Obedience (CD)!!